Yang Enfalac biasa tuh, cheaper by 10 bucks...but reviews said that babies ramai sembelit....so I still stick to Enfalac A+ since sesuai untuk Ammar... I wouldn't wanna compromise his health...

Pasal Pampers pulak, I've been going back-and-forth, trying so many brands...Awal2 tuh bagi pakai Huggies NB...ok, best2 tapi kecil skit...but cutting dia I like....but saja gatal2 try yang lain...cheapest I got was RM26.90 for 52 pieces...

I cuba jugak Pet Pet and also Drypers...Don't really fancy these two sebab bila Ammar kencing, bau dia sgt2 hancing...thus you constantly need to change him sbb cepat berat and basah...But Pet Pet and Drypers are dirt cheap lah...mmg value for money if you ask me...
Next, I went for Mamy Poko, a premium brand for diapers...ala2 Honda CRV in the Honda family konon2nye...
Love the cutting on Ammar, and its super effective in absorbing all the wetness..
Tapi of course lah the price tu mcm steep sikit... Around 10 bucks more than price of other diapers...And since banyak kali kene tukar, I'm not sure I'm willing to spend that much for diapers...Tapi mmg bestlah pakai Mamy Poko...During promo dapat RM31.90 for 52 pieces...

Next, I got recommendations for Huggies Ultra... seems that many cakap its good...
But I was very much attracted with the fact that its organic...and has aloe vera and vitamin E so that Baby's bottom x naik rash... so I pun pergilah beli kat Manjaku...

Since now that Ammar dah nak dkt 5kg, I pun beli lah Huggies Ultra size M...sbb Huggies ni cutting kecik sikit...Seems to work for Ammar...malam2 kencing pun dia x meragam...he sleeps so well at night...
Kalau tidokan kul 11...kul 5 pagi baru bangun mintak feeding...
I dapat kat Manjaku RM34 for 64 pieces, which is about 50 sen per piece...
Tapi apparently I found this website online, dia jual Huggies Ultra USA, RM 30 for 80 pieces...thats so cheap!
Tapi kata design x sama...but I placed jugak order to try...hopefully oklahh...
Will update on it soon!
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