To recap, I was recently surfing online and I saw that this supplier was selling Disposable Diapers at a dirt cheap price - Kilang Lampin Bayi S&J (S&J stands for Steven and Josephine). Apparently, they were selling branded diapers from overseas - i.e Mamy Poko Korea, Huggies Ultra USA, Toujours, Maman Bosomi)
Since I was 'hearting' Huggies Ultra, I asked them for a quotation for these Pampers, and apparently the price was RM30 for 80 pieces (M size)... comes to about 40 sens per piece!
This is actually cheap considering that kalau kat kedai, its RM34 for 64 pieces.
Hmm... boleh percaya kah? But they claim that the quality is much better than the ones locally sold here.
But then again, no harm trying ryte?So I ordered 3 packs of 80 pieces...comes to about RM99 for 240!
(Being a mummy totally helps you practice 'Creative Accounting'... lol!
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Repacked Diapers... (Ini Gambar Dari Blog lain...not my house) |
So hows the performance? Dunno yet, sebab I still have a pack of Huggies Dry (M size) nak habiskan, and then I shall start using this after dah habiskan stock...
And now I shall leave you with a pic of moi bebe...Ammar!
Alahai...belainya Mommy tengok....
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