Its been a long 10 days since my last post, which I furbished pics of Ammar bergomol2 bersama2 ayah uda Abunya...heheh... so cute...
Now, I didn't notice but now he has learnt to coo at people! Especially daddy Mukrim...pandai dah dia tenun muka babah dia lama2...ala...cutenye....
Life Get's Better...And Bigger Too!
Rambling and In Love With Life At The Same Time!
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Breakfast on Saturday morning!
Nice saturday morning for breakfast hehe...We now discover a great place untuk mencari sarapan pagi...yummm...nice roti canai, nasi dagang and nasi lemak w ayam goreng dara...Enter Mat Kimbong!
I now furnish you with pic of Daddy and Ammar...happy dia dapat ikut beli breakfast in his pyjamas...toodles!
I now furnish you with pic of Daddy and Ammar...happy dia dapat ikut beli breakfast in his pyjamas...toodles!
Monday, June 18, 2012
Huggies Ultra kah?
The Huggies Ultra I ordered online finally dah sampai... wuhuu!
To recap, I was recently surfing online and I saw that this supplier was selling Disposable Diapers at a dirt cheap price - Kilang Lampin Bayi S&J (S&J stands for Steven and Josephine). Apparently, they were selling branded diapers from overseas - i.e Mamy Poko Korea, Huggies Ultra USA, Toujours, Maman Bosomi)
Since I was 'hearting' Huggies Ultra, I asked them for a quotation for these Pampers, and apparently the price was RM30 for 80 pieces (M size)... comes to about 40 sens per piece!
This is actually cheap considering that kalau kat kedai, its RM34 for 64 pieces.
Hmm... boleh percaya kah? But they claim that the quality is much better than the ones locally sold here.
But then again, no harm trying ryte?So I ordered 3 packs of 80 pieces...comes to about RM99 for 240!
(Being a mummy totally helps you practice 'Creative Accounting'... lol!
So hows the performance? Dunno yet, sebab I still have a pack of Huggies Dry (M size) nak habiskan, and then I shall start using this after dah habiskan stock...
And now I shall leave you with a pic of moi bebe...Ammar!
Alahai...belainya Mommy tengok....
To recap, I was recently surfing online and I saw that this supplier was selling Disposable Diapers at a dirt cheap price - Kilang Lampin Bayi S&J (S&J stands for Steven and Josephine). Apparently, they were selling branded diapers from overseas - i.e Mamy Poko Korea, Huggies Ultra USA, Toujours, Maman Bosomi)
Since I was 'hearting' Huggies Ultra, I asked them for a quotation for these Pampers, and apparently the price was RM30 for 80 pieces (M size)... comes to about 40 sens per piece!
This is actually cheap considering that kalau kat kedai, its RM34 for 64 pieces.
Hmm... boleh percaya kah? But they claim that the quality is much better than the ones locally sold here.
But then again, no harm trying ryte?So I ordered 3 packs of 80 pieces...comes to about RM99 for 240!
(Being a mummy totally helps you practice 'Creative Accounting'... lol!
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Repacked Diapers... (Ini Gambar Dari Blog lain...not my house) |
So hows the performance? Dunno yet, sebab I still have a pack of Huggies Dry (M size) nak habiskan, and then I shall start using this after dah habiskan stock...
And now I shall leave you with a pic of moi bebe...Ammar!
Alahai...belainya Mommy tengok....
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Pampers oh Pampers..
Now that I'm a mother, the pampers and susu issue is now a new concern in my life... So as much as I'm constantly trying out new skincare, my son now becomes my new testing ground for new pampers! Tapi susu x la...I'm now sticking to Enfalac A+ to complement my not-so-banyak susu badan...Walaupun harga mahal (cheapest I could get is RM81.90 for an 850gm tin), but so far he has no problems...buang air besar ? OK! No kembung, no rashes, no eczema effect....really great stuff...and I honestly don't mind giving him the best stuff that I can afford...Mintak2 gaji naik so that this could continue..Aaaminnn...
Yang Enfalac biasa tuh, cheaper by 10 bucks...but reviews said that babies ramai I still stick to Enfalac A+ since sesuai untuk Ammar... I wouldn't wanna compromise his health...

Pasal Pampers pulak, I've been going back-and-forth, trying so many brands...Awal2 tuh bagi pakai Huggies NB...ok, best2 tapi kecil skit...but cutting dia I like....but saja gatal2 try yang lain...cheapest I got was RM26.90 for 52 pieces...

I cuba jugak Pet Pet and also Drypers...Don't really fancy these two sebab bila Ammar kencing, bau dia sgt2 hancing...thus you constantly need to change him sbb cepat berat and basah...But Pet Pet and Drypers are dirt cheap lah...mmg value for money if you ask me...
Next, I went for Mamy Poko, a premium brand for diapers...ala2 Honda CRV in the Honda family konon2nye...
Love the cutting on Ammar, and its super effective in absorbing all the wetness..
Tapi of course lah the price tu mcm steep sikit... Around 10 bucks more than price of other diapers...And since banyak kali kene tukar, I'm not sure I'm willing to spend that much for diapers...Tapi mmg bestlah pakai Mamy Poko...During promo dapat RM31.90 for 52 pieces...

Next, I got recommendations for Huggies Ultra... seems that many cakap its good...
But I was very much attracted with the fact that its organic...and has aloe vera and vitamin E so that Baby's bottom x naik rash... so I pun pergilah beli kat Manjaku...

Since now that Ammar dah nak dkt 5kg, I pun beli lah Huggies Ultra size M...sbb Huggies ni cutting kecik sikit...Seems to work for Ammar...malam2 kencing pun dia x meragam...he sleeps so well at night...
Kalau tidokan kul 11...kul 5 pagi baru bangun mintak feeding...
I dapat kat Manjaku RM34 for 64 pieces, which is about 50 sen per piece...
Tapi apparently I found this website online, dia jual Huggies Ultra USA, RM 30 for 80 pieces...thats so cheap!
Tapi kata design x sama...but I placed jugak order to try...hopefully oklahh...
Will update on it soon!
Yang Enfalac biasa tuh, cheaper by 10 bucks...but reviews said that babies ramai I still stick to Enfalac A+ since sesuai untuk Ammar... I wouldn't wanna compromise his health...

Pasal Pampers pulak, I've been going back-and-forth, trying so many brands...Awal2 tuh bagi pakai Huggies NB...ok, best2 tapi kecil skit...but cutting dia I like....but saja gatal2 try yang lain...cheapest I got was RM26.90 for 52 pieces...

I cuba jugak Pet Pet and also Drypers...Don't really fancy these two sebab bila Ammar kencing, bau dia sgt2 hancing...thus you constantly need to change him sbb cepat berat and basah...But Pet Pet and Drypers are dirt cheap lah...mmg value for money if you ask me...
Next, I went for Mamy Poko, a premium brand for diapers...ala2 Honda CRV in the Honda family konon2nye...
Love the cutting on Ammar, and its super effective in absorbing all the wetness..
Tapi of course lah the price tu mcm steep sikit... Around 10 bucks more than price of other diapers...And since banyak kali kene tukar, I'm not sure I'm willing to spend that much for diapers...Tapi mmg bestlah pakai Mamy Poko...During promo dapat RM31.90 for 52 pieces...

Next, I got recommendations for Huggies Ultra... seems that many cakap its good...
But I was very much attracted with the fact that its organic...and has aloe vera and vitamin E so that Baby's bottom x naik rash... so I pun pergilah beli kat Manjaku...

Since now that Ammar dah nak dkt 5kg, I pun beli lah Huggies Ultra size M...sbb Huggies ni cutting kecik sikit...Seems to work for Ammar...malam2 kencing pun dia x meragam...he sleeps so well at night...
Kalau tidokan kul 11...kul 5 pagi baru bangun mintak feeding...
I dapat kat Manjaku RM34 for 64 pieces, which is about 50 sen per piece...
Tapi apparently I found this website online, dia jual Huggies Ultra USA, RM 30 for 80 pieces...thats so cheap!
Tapi kata design x sama...but I placed jugak order to try...hopefully oklahh...
Will update on it soon!
Salute to KPJ Kajang!
Saja nak promo skit...
Since I've had the best labour experience and treatment kat KPJ Kajang...I urge anyone yang nak bersalin to seriously think of giving birth here...It's such a great hospital!

Dr Bala: Yang Duduk, 3 from Right...
Dr Meena: Ammar's Paediatrician - Berdiri, 2 from left
1) Dr Balakrishnan - The Gynae come Medical Director...Fantastic, experienced and sgt2 cekap...
From this moment, I highly salute Gynaes and also the midwives...excellent..
2) Bilik baru yang best - Had single room to stay...mmg best. Altho some may argue that bilik Gleneagle is better, but for me, its sufficient enough...clean and comfortable...
3) Nurses - sgt2 friendly..and efficient. They even sent me sampai ke kereta on the day I discharged.
4) Food - walaupun makanan hospital, tp berkualiti. And guess what, they also cook makanan pantang
5) Nursery - Very friendly and experienced nurses. Altho they promote exclusive breastfeeding, kepada ibu2 yang x larat lagi nak bfeed (selepas bersabung nyawa dalam labour), they give quality milk which is Enfalac A+.
Mahal susu tu...
6) Price - They basically have Maternity Packages about RM2k++ but in my case, company bayar, so x risau sgt. But then again, my bill came to almost RM8k, but quite cheap considering that I stayed for 7 days dalam hospital.
7) Paedi yang comel - Dr Meena took over Dr Bala as Ammar's doctor. She's so comel and nice...
So thank you KPJ Kajang for making my stay in the hospital the best ever!
Since I've had the best labour experience and treatment kat KPJ Kajang...I urge anyone yang nak bersalin to seriously think of giving birth here...It's such a great hospital!

Dr Bala: Yang Duduk, 3 from Right...
Dr Meena: Ammar's Paediatrician - Berdiri, 2 from left
From this moment, I highly salute Gynaes and also the midwives...excellent..
2) Bilik baru yang best - Had single room to stay...mmg best. Altho some may argue that bilik Gleneagle is better, but for me, its sufficient enough...clean and comfortable...
3) Nurses - sgt2 friendly..and efficient. They even sent me sampai ke kereta on the day I discharged.
4) Food - walaupun makanan hospital, tp berkualiti. And guess what, they also cook makanan pantang
5) Nursery - Very friendly and experienced nurses. Altho they promote exclusive breastfeeding, kepada ibu2 yang x larat lagi nak bfeed (selepas bersabung nyawa dalam labour), they give quality milk which is Enfalac A+.
Mahal susu tu...
6) Price - They basically have Maternity Packages about RM2k++ but in my case, company bayar, so x risau sgt. But then again, my bill came to almost RM8k, but quite cheap considering that I stayed for 7 days dalam hospital.
7) Paedi yang comel - Dr Meena took over Dr Bala as Ammar's doctor. She's so comel and nice...
So thank you KPJ Kajang for making my stay in the hospital the best ever!
Labour Part 2
Doc: "Ok Juma, I'm going to break your membrane (water bag) ya...I need to see the colour of the liquid..If its clear, then we proceed for normal labour, but if its green, means baby dah berak and I would need to do c-section" (belah)...
Takutnya... when he broke the water bag...mcm rasa you terkencing at an enormous amount...and its so uncomfortable...
Doc: "Ok Juma, the liquid is clear...we proceed with normal labour..."
Then he left me with 2 midwives....
Midwife (MW): Ok Puan Juma, kami akan perform induce...means we need to put fluid that will increase the contraction and akan cepatkan bukaan tu... Btw, u nak epridural x?
Me: Emm..tak kot.. (konon2 nak jadi hero...)
That's when the pain started to sky rocket... OMG...I've never felt so painful in my entire life!
The contraction came in every 5 minutes interval...DAmmmm painful.... and everytime rasa contraction...macam nak patah pinggang! Felt like you were ripped apart!!!
Omg.... It was way beyond explainable..
"Puan, kalau sakit, sedut gas..." Tapi jadi mcm lalok pulak everytime I sedut gas tu...
The worst part is..everytime I felt the contraction, The midwife asked me to push!
And masa nak push lah, dia seluk masuk and betul2kan kepala the baby...
Yes, dah nampak dah kepala baby at 930am..cuma tak keluar je...
How can you think of 2-3 things to do at the same time???
This lasted for an hour, and they constantly checked on how much I've dilated. Imagine the agony that I had to go through..mmg betul org kata...labour ni pergi berperang...
I was like 7cm opened...lambatnya nak bukak sampai 10cm...and I was like fighting for my lifeMe:" Yang, please2...I don't wanna go through this anymore...dah tanak dah..."
Hubby was speechless...he didn't know what he could say...
I was already 10cm opened. And the midwife decided.."boleh stop inducing..."Then they asked me to mengiring... "Ok puan, masa sakit push....kalau x sakit jangan push...nanti penat.."
But I tried pushing everytime I felt an urge to buang air besar...
Doc Bala came in and checked.." I think dalam 1 jam lagi kot..."
Then like 10 minutes later, when I was pushing....I heard one midwife said "call the doctor, rasa nak keluar dah ni...Puan, hold dulu...jangan push keluar lagi..tahan kejap!"
And I'm like.." Saya tak tahan...nak push jugak!"
Within 5 minutes, Doc came and cucuk anaesthetic..and told me.."Ok Juma, you can push"
I tried with every force I had..and within 1 heavy push, my son came out half of his body...crying and wailing..."
And within the next 5 minutes... doc stitched me up.
"Congrats Juma, you have a healthy baby boy at 1.9kg"
Aaaminn,,,keciknya anak aku...tapi tak apalah..janji its over!
But I couldnt get myself up..or open my eyes...tak larat sgt2....
So the whole day..I spend my time sleeping....but it was so blissful..... Its allll over..
9 months waiting and agony at the end...and Ammar Mikhail finally came....
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