Being in this state of despair, one can only give pretty much 50% concentration to work (I'm simply revv-ing up the numbers to make myself seem "workaholic") and the other 50% battling morning sickness and constipation.
Last Wednesday, out of pure excitement and encouragement, I have taken the liberty to start shopping for Milk for Preggie Mommies (first time beb! wuhuu!)
So me being me, I research about almost everything! So naturally, the whole afternoon was being spent on "milk powder surveying".
Names like Enfamama, Anmum, Friso, Similac and S26 crawled through Google Search pages.
Anmum and Enfamama received the most reviews online...but the common comments by fellow preggie Moms were:
"Enfamama makes you gain weight cepat gile!" - gee, I don't wanna be puting on weight so fast! Not in my first trimester!
"Anmum rasa x sedap" - Dalam waktu ketika loya2 tekak ni, rasa macam kalau susu tu kurang sedap, lagi la tak boleh nk telan...

So mcm mana?
From reviews and advice that i have received, if you could drink maternal milk, you should. Since maternal milk provides the baby with high calcium for bone development, high folic acid for cell generation, DHA, as well as all the vitamins and minerals for the baby's growth. I went to Isetan that very day, and finally, I bought this:-
Details on the tin?
® Mum Gold is a tasty, nutritious milk supplement for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
It is the only maternal milk formulated with P2 Dual System™, which contains Friso® Synbiotic Agent, a combination of Prebiotic and Probiotic.
What are Prebiotics and Probiotics?
Prebiotics are food for good bacteria and helps them grow. It also increases solubility of calcium, helping your body to absorb it.1 Common types of prebiotics are long chain fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS).
Hmmm... since I've been hearing about preggies having constipation, the idea of having this P2 system that helps you ease yourself seems to be a good idea.
TODAY (12th September '11)
As per today, I have dilligently consumed one glass of Friso Milk per day. Memang no constipation problems. Alhamdulillah...
The flavour's nice, yummy vanilla...rasa macam milk shake.
My only grip?
As I'm having really bad morning sickness (and evening)...I do need force myself utk telan secawan sampai habis..sigh...
can't wait for month 4...sigh.....